How To Accompany A Singer On Guitar

How To Go From BORING To ENTHRALLING When Backing A Singer On Guitar


WARNING: If You Want To Keep Doing The Same Old Stuff When Backing A Singer (On Guitar), Look Away Now . . .

Because the same old stuff does not cut it, not even close

Accompanying a singer on a single guitar is not only a lot of fun but also a great way to maximise the skills you already have in addition to developing new ones.

However, the trap many fall into is to approach backing a singer on a single guitar the same as they would when playing in a band.

The two are not the same. Far from it.

What works in the context of a full band does NOT work when it is just you, on your guitar accompanying a vocalist with no other instruments.

In this scenario, YOU are the band, which requires a different approach versus playing with other musicians. You have to think more broadly and have ways of building the dynamics typically found in a band playing situation, on a single guitar.

Sound hard?

Well, don’t worry, it’s not. If you at least know basic chords and can strum and pick a little, you’re good to go.

What really matters is dynamics! Or if you like, light and shade. And there are many ways you can create this on a single guitar, even if you haven’t been playing for long.

So whether you are:

• Someone who would like to be able to create the perfect arrangement of a song

• A singer/songwriter who would like to be able to accompany themselves on guitar

• A guitar player who would simply like to have more ways to express themselves on the instrument

You need my video masterclass/workshop:

Dynamic And Compelling Ways For Arranging Music To Accompany A Singer On One Guitar

In this masterclass, I have an actual singer on hand to demonstrate all the concepts covered so you can hear just how effective they are. Everything is put to the test, no theorising, just practical ways to create arrangements of songs that sound amazing!


In this video, you learn:

• Dynamic ways to back a singer on guitar that goes beyond simply playing soft to loud (volume is only one way to play dynamically on a guitar, there are many more!)

• Simple ways to accompany a singer that sound super advanced but are easy to do

• How to create an overall arrangement that builds in intensity, even if all you have at hand are basic chords and a few strumming patterns

• How to fill the pockets created between vocal phrases with lines that compliment the singer (these are known as rhythm fills and are one of the most popular things I teach my students)

• How to strip a song right back to its bare bones/foundations, yet at the same time create something that sounds complete

• A simple system I have created to make it easy for you to visualise your arrangements, allowing you to easily see where everything sits dynamically speaking

•  . . . plus much more!


You also receive a PDF handout that complements the class, offering tools and concepts you can use as well as worksheets for your arrangements.

If you want to learn how to create amazing sounding arrangements of songs for a single vocal and guitar then:

1. Fill out the simple form below

2. Click the “Show Me The Video” button

. . . and in a few minutes, you will receive the “Dynamic And Compelling Ways For Arranging Music To Accompany A Singer On One Guitar” video workshop plus the PDF companion booklet in your email inbox.


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