The Best Way To Learn Chords On Guitar

The Best Way To Learn Chords On Guitar

by Simon Candy


Best Way To Learn Chords Article PicIn this video, you learn the best way to learn chords on guitar.

Just learning chord shapes without understanding how they are constructed or how to use them in different contexts is not an effective way to learn chords. 

It may result in a lot of shapes memorized, but it won't help you develop a deeper understanding of chords in terms of how to apply them yourself.

In this lesson, I sit down with Guitar Playing Breakthrough Specialist Tom Hess to discuss and demonstrate the best way to learn chords on guitar.

The key is to understand how each chord is constructed and in turn how you can build your own chords on guitar by altering existing shapes.

It’s super simple to do and requires little to no theory knowledge.

You learn:

• Chord construction and how this will lead to chord mastery on guitar

• How to construct a variety of chords including major 7th, dominant 7th, and add 9 chords from a simple existing shape 

• The benefit of note function over note name and the difference this makes to one’s understanding of chords on guitar for the better

Watch the video below to learn more:


Discover how to play block chords on guitar