How To Make Dissonant Chords Sound Beautiful

How To Make Dissonant Chords Sound Beautiful

by Simon Candy


Beautiful Guitar Chords Article Page PicIn this video, you learn beautiful emotional chords for your guitar playing.

Playing unique and sophisticated chords doesn't have to be difficult. The shapes explored in this video are simple to play and sound great.

In this lesson, I am joined by Guitar Playing Breakthrough Specialist Tom Hess to discuss and demonstrate these incredibly beautiful sounding chords.

We look at the dissonance yet beauty of the augmented chord as well as the equally beautiful minor/major 7 chord. The key is hearing these chords in context, therefore after I introduce you to the chord shapes, you also learn how to use them to create incredible sounding progressions that drip with emotion.

Watch the video below to learn more:


The Chords

Here are the diagrams for the chords of each progression for your reference.

For a detailed breakdown and demonstration of these chords be sure to watch the video above:


• Chord Progression 1

This first progression is centred around the D augmented chord: (watch the video above for a detailed breakdown and demonstration)


Beautiful Emotional Chords Progression 1

















• Chord Progression 2

The second progression also centres around the augmented chord, this time it is the A augmented chord: (watch the video above for a detailed breakdown and demonstration)


Beautiful Emotional Chords Progression 2


















• Chord Progression 3

The third and final progression centres around the Dmin/maj 7 chord: (watch the video above for a detailed break down and demonstration)


Beautiful Emotional Chords Progression 3










Learn how to use chord fragments to create great sounding solos on guitar