How To Figure Songs Out By Ear

How To Figure Songs Out By Ear

by Simon Candy


Figure Songs Out By Ear ImageIn this video, you learn how to figure songs out by ear.

First, you learn why working songs out by ear is so beneficial for your guitar playing, and the importance of theory and fretboard knowledge in doing so.

You then learn how to work out the chords of a song via several very effective and proven strategies. I’ll also show you how to work out single line melodies and riffs using your ear. There are several things you need to focus on when doing this, and we will do each of these while working out an actual riff.

Developing relative pitch, that is the ability to work music out using your ear is, without doubt, one of, if not the most valuable things you will ever learn to do as a guitarist and a musician.

Watch the video below to learn more:



The Progression

Here is the progression used in the video to demonstrate working chords out by ear:


Figure Songs Out By Ear Progression


The Riff

Here is the riff used in the video to demonstrate working out single notes by ear:


Figure Songs Out By Ear Riff  

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