How To Play What You Hear In Your Head On Guitar

How To Play What You Hear In Your Head On Guitar

by Simon Candy


Ear Training Guitar Sing Melodies Article PicIn this video, you learn how to sing melodies on guitar.

Learning to sing melodies helps you hear the music you are going to play in your head first giving you a much greater command over the instrument and in turn making you a much more creative and expressive guitar player.

In this lesson, I sit down with Ear Training Specialist Dylan Andrews to discuss and demonstrate the very best ear training drills and exercises for singing melodies on guitar.

The goal here is not to create a masterpiece of music, or even anything close to that.

You are simply training your ear to hear intervals in different ways and different orders by singing simple melodies on guitar.

By doing so, you are going to train your ear to hear the music you want to play before you actually play it.

This is the holy grail of guitarists and musicians alike, to hear what you are going to play in your head first and then to be able to get it down accurately on your instrument.

In this lesson you learn:

• Why it is so important to learn to sing melodies and how this will benefit your guitar playing

• The very best drills and exercises for training your ear to hear and sing melodies

• Easy ways to challenge yourself so you develop an even better ear for music

Watch the video below to learn more:



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