The Easiest Way To Play Guitar In Open Tunings
by Simon Candy
In this video, you learn the easiest way to get started with open tunings on guitar.
Open tunings can seem like a whole new world when first exploring them. However, there is a lot open tunings share in common with standard tuning, so it’s not an entirely new world.
In this lesson, you learn a way to gradually become familiar playing in open tunings on guitar.
Here is the method in a nutshell:
• Low Drop D Tuning:
First I show you drop D tuning, where you drop the low E/6th string down to a D note.
You will then play something in this tuning.
• High Drop D Tuning:
Next, you drop the high E/1st string down to a D note, while keeping the Low D.
Now you have a low and high D and will play something with this tuning.
• Open G Tuning:
With both low and high D strings, you now only have to alter one other string to be in open G tuning.
This is dropping the 5th string from A down to B.
You will then play something in Open G tuning
• DADGAD Tuning:
With both low and high D strings, you now only have to alter one other string to be in DADGAD tuning. And that is dropping the 2nd string from B down to A.
You will then play something in DADGAD tuning.
This is a simple and gradual way to familiarise yourself with two of the most common open tunings, that being Open G Tuning and DADGAD.
Watch the video below to learn more:
Low D Tuning: DADGBE
The following is a progression utilising the Low D open string:
Power chords with the drone of opens strings is a cool sound in drop D tuning:
High D Tuning: DADGBD
Here is a progression with some melody added on the G chord, with the high E now tuned down to a D note too:
Open G Tuning: DGDGBD
Here is a progression in Open G tuning. Due to the ease of playing one fret bar chords, it's easy to add extensions and embellishments:

Here is the blues scale as it is in DADGAD tuning:
The following riff comes from the blues scale and uses octave shapes, easily accessible in DADGAD tuning:
The interval of a 5th is also easy to access in DADGAD tuning and sounds effective with the addition of droning open strings: