Travis Picking Basics For Beginners

Travis Picking Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

by Simon Candy


Travis Pickng Basics Article PicIn this video, I break down the iconic travis picking pattern, one of the most essential techniques for any fingerstyle guitarist!

If you're a beginner looking to level up your playing, this tutorial is perfect for you.

You'll learn how to travis pick on guitar and start using this classic pattern to create smooth, alternating bass lines and melodic fingerpicking.

I take you step-by-step through how to travis pick, explaining the pattern and the best way to learn it.

Whether you’re playing folk, country, pop, rock, or blues, the travis picking pattern is a must-know technique that will instantly add a pro touch to your sound.

Watch the video below to learn more:


Discover 10 Gorgeous Fingerpicking Patterns You Can Play on Guitar